VBPlus ToolBar v1.0 The Coolest Shareware Add-On for Visual Basic. VB+ is a Toolbar for Visual Basic, it add's over 30 shortcut keys to VB, A Project Zipper, Quick Help access, Full time Resource and Memory guages to monitor you work, a Multi-File dialog, and more. There has been quite a few of these type Programs released lately, but I think you will find this one very interesting. So far I've spent most of my time getting it to "Spy" on VB to give it a unique Look and Feel. Now I can work more on new functions, but wanted to get it out and start getting feedback on what people think. So check it out, You will notice I installed the ver.3 VBX's and DLL to the VBPLUS dir. to avoid version control problems if you don't need them just delete, if you do need them, move them to Windows\System dir. I would really like to hear from someone with a high res. monitor, as to how it lines up with VB. On a 640 x 480 it should match up good but I dont know about other Monitors, please let me know. A few quick tips to avoid errors the first time you run the program. Several file paths need to be set in order for the program to work, most have been automated so you should'nt have to do it, but some may slip by. You should use the SETUP program to install as this is where they are set. The project backup zipper has a .PIF file for PKZIP, you will need to set the path to your copy of PKZIP.EXE. If you have VB2 you will get a prompt for the path to VB.EXE. It should work with VB ver.2 & 3, don't know about ver.1